Headlines: BackTrack 5 Released!

On May 10th, 2011 BackTrack Released version 5 of their acclaimed Linux security distribution. For those that do not know Backtrack is a Linux-based penetration testing arsenal that aids security professionals in the ability to perform assessments in a purely native environment dedicated to hacking. Backtrack can be installed locally, booted from a live DVD or thumb-drive..

From the downloading section of Backtrack's website you will notice there are multiple flavors and options of their version 5 release. Including Gnome/Kde - Arm/32 bit/64 bit - Image file - direct or torrent downloads.

Stay tuned we will have an install walk-through as well a review with the latest changes in Backtrack 5

Thomas Fraley
I am a tech enthusiast whose main focus is making technology easy again for everyone. Educated with degrees in network engineering and project management. I've worked in the entertainment industry for a decade as a director of information technology for global companies pioneering the way. A few years ago I decided to give back and have been helping young entrepreneur startups off on the right foot.

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