Easy Hosting Control Panel - Installation

Hosting on a server requires many manual operations like adding a domains, email users the larger the scale its the more work it becomes. Hosting Control Panel is a software that runs on a server, which facilates, which makes easy, almost all kind of hosting operations, such as : adding domain, adding email user, ftp setup ,subdomains . Ehcp (Easy Hosting Control Panel) is a free hosting control panel Which aims to bring an easily installable, easily usable, opensource, gpl, fast, full php to the mix

NOTE: EHCP works on Apt-get install system so EHCP will only work with debian based distributions

Lets dive into the install.

I Started this with a clean install of Ubuntu 10 server on a fresh VM. After which did a full update.

Ok the fun part we can get the install package using

sudo wget http://www.ehcp.net/download

Then we need to extract the install ehcp

sudo tar -zxvf download.tgz cd ehcp sudo ./install.sh

EHCP is very well put together it will ask for some aditional configurating info in comming windows.

Make sure you write all the passwords down so you have them. You will also have to chouse some configuration methods like. Mail - Internet Site Courier - Yes phpmyadmin - apache2

bam... your done with the installation

Thomas Fraley
I am a tech enthusiast whose main focus is making technology easy again for everyone. Educated with degrees in network engineering and project management. I've worked in the entertainment industry for a decade as a director of information technology for global companies pioneering the way. A few years ago I decided to give back and have been helping young entrepreneur startups off on the right foot.

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